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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/29/24 How Good Do I Have to Be - Romans 3:20-26 Paul Bailey Sermon So Great A Salvation Sun AM Worship How_Good_Do_I_Have_to_Be_-_Romans_3.20-26.pptx How_Good_Do_I_Have_to_Be_-_Romans_3.20-26.pdf How_Good_Do_I_Have_to_Be_-_Romans_3.20-26.MP3
09/22/24 Effective Fervent Prayer - James 5:16-18 Paul Bailey Sermon Growing in Our Prayer Life Sun AM Worship Effective_Fervent_Prayer_-_James_5.16-18.pptx Effective_Fervent_Prayer_-_James_5.16_-_18.pdf Effective_Fervent_Prayer_-_James_5.16-18.MP3
09/15/24 Teach Us to Pray - Luke 11:1-4 Paul Bailey Sermon Growing in Our Prayer Life Sun AM Worship Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_Luke_11.1-4.pdf Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_Luke_11.1-4.MP3 Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_Luke_11.1-4.pptx
09/08/24 The Prayer Life of Jesus - Mark 1:35-40 Paul Bailey Sermon Growing in Our Prayer Life Sun AM Worship The_Prayer_Life_of_Jesus_-_Mark_1.35-40.pptx The_Prayer_Life_of_Jesus_-_Mark_1.35-40.pdf The_Prayer_Life_of_Jesus_-_Mark_1.35-40.MP3
09/01/24 The Prayers God Listens To - Luke 18:9-14 Paul Bailey Sermon Growing in Our Prayer Life Sun AM Worship The_Prayers_God_Listens_To_-_Luke_18.9-14.pptx The_Prayers_God_Listens_To_-_Luke_18.9-14.pdf The_Prayers_God_Listens_To_-_Luke_18.9-14.MP3
08/25/24 Pray Without Ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Paul Bailey Sermon Growing in Our Prayer Life Sun AM Worship Pray_Without_Ceasing_-_1_Thessalonians_5.12-18.MP3 Pray_Without_Ceasing_-_1_Thessalonians_5.12-18.pdf Pray_Without_Ceasing_-_1_Thessalonians_5.12-18.pptx
08/18/24 God and Government - Isaiah 9:1-7 Paul Bailey Sermon Christians and Politics Sun AM Worship God_and_Government_-_Isaiah_9.1-7.pptx God_and_Government_-_Isaiah_9.1-7.pdf God_and_Government_-_Isaiah_9.1-7.MP3
08/11/24 Christians and Politics - Matthew 22:15-22 Paul Bailey Sermon Christians and Politics Sun AM Worship Christians_and_Politics_-_Matthew_22.15-22.pptx Christians_and_Politics_-_Matthew_22.15-22.pdf Christians_and_Politics_-_Matthew_22.15-22.MP3
08/04/24 Blessed Assurance - 1 John 5:13-21 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship Blessed_Assurance_-_1_John_5.13-21.pdf Blessed_Assurance_-_1_John_5.13-21.MP3 Blessed_Assurance_-_1_John_5.13-21.pptx
07/28/24 Faith is the Victory - 1 John 5:1-12 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship Faith_is_the_Victory_-_1_John_5.1-12.pptx Faith_is_the_Victory_-_1_John_5.1-12.pdf Faith_is_the_Victory_-_1_John_5.1-12.MP3
07/21/24 There is No Fear in Love - 1 John 4:17-21 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship There_is_No_Fear_in_Love_-_1_John_4.17-21.pptx There_is_No_Fear_in_Love_-_1_John_4.17-21.pdf There_is_No_Fear_in_Love_-_1_John_4.17-21.MP3
07/14/24 Test the Truth Live the Truth - 1 John 4:1-16 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship Test_the_Truth_Live_the_Truth_-_1_John_4.1-16.MP3 Test_the_Truth_Live_the_Truth_-_1_John_4.1-16.pdf Test_the_Truth_Live_the_Truth_-_1_John_4.1-16.pptx
06/23/24 We Have Confidence with God - 1 John 3:19-24 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship We_Have_Confidence_with_God_-_1_John_3.19-24.pptx We_Have_Confidence_with_God_-_1_John_3.19-24.pdf We_Have_Confidence_with_God_-_1_John_3.19-24.MP3
06/16/24 Living as Children of God - 1 John 3:1-10 Paul Bailey Bible Class 1 John - True Fellowship Gospel Meeting Living_as_Children_of_God_-_1_John_3.1-10.pptx Living_as_Children_of_God_-_1_John_3.1-10.pdf Living_as_Children_of_God_-_1_John_3.1-10.MP3
06/09/24 Anointed and Abiding - 1 John 2:18-29 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship Anointed_and_Abiding_-_1_John_2.18-29.pptx Anointed_and_Abiding_-_1_John_2.18-29.pdf
06/02/24 Beware of Antichrists - 1 John 2.18-29 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship Beware_of_Antichrists_-_1_John_2.18-29.pdf Beware_of_Antichrists_-_1_John_2.18-29.MP3 Beware_of_Antichrists_-_1_John_2.18-29.pptx
05/26/24 Warnings for Growing Christians - 1 John 2:12-17 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship Warnings_for_Growing_Christians_-_1_John_2.12-17.pptx Warnings_for_Growing_Christians_-_1_John_2.12-17.pdf Warnings_for_Growing_Christians_-_1_John_2.12-17.MP3
05/19/24 The Test of Obedience - 1 John 2:1-11 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship The_Test_of_Obedience_-_1_John_2.1-11.pptx The_Test_of_Obedience_-_1_John_2.1-11.pdf The_Test_of_Obedience_-_1_John_2.1-11.MP3
05/12/24 The Reality of Fellowship - 1 John 1:1-10 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 John - True Fellowship Sun AM Worship The_Reality_of_Fellowship_-_1_John_1.1-10.pdf The_Reality_of_Fellowship_-_1_John_1.1-10.MP3 The_Reality_of_Fellowship_-_1_John_1.1-10.pptx
05/05/24 Examine Yourselves - 2 Corinthians 13 Paul Bailey Sermon Counting the Cost Sun AM Worship Examine_Yourselves_-_2_Corinthians_13.pptx Examine_Yourselves_-_2_Corinthians_13.pdf Examine_Yourselves_-_2_Corinthians_13.MP3
04/28/24 We're Chosen We're Special - 1 Peter 2:4-10 Paul Bailey Sermon Hope in Trying Times - 1 Peter Sun AM Worship Were_Chosen_Were_Special_-_1_Peter_2.4-10.pptx Were_Chosen_Were_Special_-_1_Peter_2.4-10.pdf Were_Chosen_Were_Special_-_1_Peter_2.4-10.MP3
04/21/24 Living a Life of Wisdom - Ephesians 5:15-21 Paul Bailey Sermon Building Your Spiritual Life Sun AM Worship Living_a_Life_of_Wisdom_-_Eph_5.15-21.pptx Living_a_Life_of_Wisdom_-_Eph_5.15-21.pdf Living_a_Life_of_Wisdom_-_Ephesians_5.15-21.MP3
04/14/24 The Aroma of Christ - 2 Corinthians 2:12-15 Paul Bailey Sermon Disciples Like Our Teacher Sun AM Worship The_Aroma_of_Christ_-_2_Corinthians_2.12-15.pptx The_Aroma_of_Christ_-_2_Corinthians_2.12-15.pdf The_Aroma_of_Christ_-_2_Corinthians_2.12-15.MP3
04/07/24 Fellowship Key to Spiritual Growth - Acts 2:42-47 Paul Bailey Sermon Building Your Spiritual Life Sun AM Worship Fellowship_Key_to_Spiritual_Growth_-_Acts_2.42-47.pptx Fellowship_Key_to_Spiritual_Growth_-_Acts_2.42-47.pdf Fellowship_Key_to_Spiritual_Growth_-_Acts_2.42-47.MP3
03/31/24 What Really Happened that Morning? - Matthew 28:1-15 Paul Bailey Sermon He is Risen Sun AM Worship What_Really_Happened_that_Morning_-_Matthew_28.1-15.MP3 What_Really_Happened_that_Morning_-_Matthew_28.1-15.pptx What_Really_Happened_that_Morning_-_Matthew_28.1-15.pdf

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