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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/03/16 How Majestic is Your Name - Psalm 8:1-9 Paul Bailey Sermon The Name of the Lord Sun AM Worship How_Majestic_is_Your_Name_-_Psalm_8.1-9.pptx How_Majestic_is_Your_Name_-_Psalm_8.1-9.pdf How_Majestic_is_Your_Name_-_Psalm_8.1-9.MP3
12/27/15 Love Grown Cold - Matthew 24.9-14 Paul Bailey Sermon Kingdom Living Sun AM Worship Love_Grown_Cold_-_Matthew_24.9-14.pptx Love_Grown_Cold_-_Matthew_24.9-14.pdf Love_Grown_Cold_-_Matthew_24.9-14.MP3
12/20/15 The Lamb of God from Foundation of World - Rev 13.8 Paul Bailey Sermon Jesus our Lord Sun AM Worship The_Lamb_of_God_from_Foundation_of_World.pptx The_Lamb_of_God_from_Foundation_of_World_-_Rev_13.8.MP3 The_Lamb_of_God_from_Foundation_of_World_-_Rev_13.8.pdf
12/13/15 Three Arguments for God's Existence part 2 Paul Bailey Sermon Our God is Awesome Sun AM Worship Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_part_2.pptx Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_part_2.MP3 Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence-1451607989.docx Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_part_2.pdf
12/06/15 Three Arguments for God's Existence part 1 Paul Bailey Sermon Our God is Awesome Sun AM Worship Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_part_1.pptx Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence.docx Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_part_1.MP3 Three_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_part_1.pdf
11/29/15 Immorality in the Church - 1 Cor 5.1-13 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 Corinthians Sun AM Worship Immorality_in_the_Church_-_1_Cor_5.1-13.pptx Immorality_in_the_Church_-_1_Cor_5.1-13.pdf Immorality_in_the_Church_-_1_Cor_5.1-13.MP3
11/22/15 Faithful Servants - 1 Corinthians 4.1-21 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 Corinthians Sun AM Worship Faithful_Servants_-_1_Cor_4.1-21.pptx Faithful_Servants_-_1_Cor_4.1-21.pdf Faithful_Servants_-_1_Cor_4.1-21.MP3
11/15/15 Builders for Christ - 1 Corinthians 3:1-23 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 Corinthians Sun AM Worship Builders_for_Christ_-_1_Cor_3.1-23.MP3 Builders_for_Christ_-_1_Cor_3.1-23.pdf Builders_for_Christ_-_1_Cor_3.1-23.pptx
11/08/15 God's Wisdom Revealed - 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 Corinthians Sun AM Worship Gods_Wisdom_Revealed_-_1_Cor_2.1-16.pptx Gods_Wisdom_Revealed_-_1_Cor_2.1-16.MP3 Gods_Wisdom_Revealed_-_1_Cor_2.1-16.pdf
11/01/15 The Foolishness of God - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Paul Bailey Sermon 1 Corinthians Sun AM Worship The_Foolishness_of_God_-_1_Cor_1.18-31.MP3 The_Foolishness_of_God_-_1_Cor_1.18-31.pdf The_Foolishness_of_God_-_1_Cor_1.18-31.pptx
10/25/15 Strengthening the Church - Acts 16:1-5 Paul Bailey Sermon Helping the Church Grow Sun AM Worship Strengthening_the_Church_-_Acts_16.1-5.MP3 Strengthening_the_Church_-_Acts_16.1-5.pdf Strengthening_the_Church_-_Acts_16.1-5.pptx
10/18/15 Finding Noah - Genesis 6:1-12 Paul Bailey Sermon Kingdom Living Sun AM Worship Finding_Noah_outline.pdf Finding_Noah_-_Genesis_6.1-12.pptx Finding_Noah_-_Genesis_6.1-12.MP3
10/11/15 Accept One Another - Romans 15:1-7 Paul Bailey Sermon Love One Another Sun AM Worship Accept_One_Another_-_Rom_15.1-7.pdf Accept_One_Another_-_Rom_15.1-7.pptx Accept_One_Another_-_Romans_15.1-7.MP3
10/04/15 The True Grace of God - 1 Peter 5:5-12 Paul Bailey Sermon The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship The_True_Grace_of_God_-_1_Pet_5.5-12.pdf The_True_Grace_of_God_-_1_Pet_5.5-12.pptx The_True_Grace_of_God_-_1_Peter_5.5-12.MP3
09/27/15 Grace and Obedience - Romans 6:1-7 Paul Bailey Sermon The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship Grace_and_Obedience_-_Romans_6.1-7.pptx Grace_and_Obedience_-_Romans_6.1-7.MP3 Grace_and_Obedience_-_Romans_6.1-7.pdf
09/20/15 Saved by Grace - Romans 6:8-14 Paul Bailey Sermon The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship Saved_by_Grace_-_Romans_6.8-14.MP3 Saved_by_Grace_-_Romans_6.8-14.pdf Saved_by_Grace_-_Romans_6.8-14.pptx
09/13/15 Access to Grace - Galatians 3:26-29 Paul Bailey Sermon The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship Access_to_Grace_-_Gaatiansl_3.26-29.pdf Access_to_Grace_-_Galatians_3.26-29.MP3
09/06/15 Burdened by Grace - Galatians 3:1-3 Paul Bailey Sermon The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship Burdened_by_Grace_-_Galatians_3.1-3.MP3 Burdened_by_Grace_-_Galatians_3.1-3.pdf Burdened_by_Grace_-_Galatians_3.1-3.pptx
08/30/15 The Gift of Grace - Romans 5:1-2 Paul Bailey Sermon The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship The_Gift_of_Grace_-_Romans_5.1-2.pptx The_Gift_of_Grace_-_Romans_5.1-2.pdf The_Gift_of_Grace_-_Romans_5.1-2.MP3
08/09/15 God's Measuring Line - Zechariah 2:1-11 Paul Bailey Sermon Churches in the Shape of Scripture Sun AM Worship Gods_Measuring_Line_-_Zech_2.1-510-11.pdf Gods_Measuring_Line_-_Zech_2.1-510-11.pptx Gods_Measuring_Line_-_Zechariah_2.1-11.MP3
08/02/15 In the Blink of an Eye - Matthew 24:36-44 Paul Bailey Sermon Eschatology - When Jesus Returns Sun AM Worship In_the_Blink_of_an_Eye_-_Matthew_24.36-44.MP3 In_the_Blink_of_an_Eye_-_Matt_24.36-44.pptx In_the_Blink_of_an_Eye_-_Matt_24.36-44.pdf
07/26/15 Is Jesus Coming Soon - Matthew 24:1-15 Paul Bailey Sermon Eschatology - When Jesus Returns Sun AM Worship Is_Jesus_Coming_Soon_-_Matt_24.1-15.pdf Is_Jesus_Coming_Soon_-_Matt_24.1-15.pptx Is_Jesus_Coming_Soon_-_Matthew_24.1-15.MP3
07/19/15 Will There Be a Rapture - 1 Thess 4:13-18 Paul Bailey Sermon Eschatology - When Jesus Returns Sun AM Worship Will_There_Be_a_Rapture_-_1_Thess_4.13-18.pdf Will_There_Be_a_Rapture_-_1_Thess_4.13-18.pptx Will_There_Be_a_Rapture_-_1_Thess_4.13-18.MP3
07/12/15 Why Churches are Declining - John 6:60-69 Paul Bailey Sermon Churches in the Shape of Scripture Sun AM Worship Why_are_Churches_Declining_-_John_6.60-69_.pdf Why_are_Churches_Declining_-_John_6.60-69_.pptx Why_Churches_are_Declining_-_John_6.60-69.MP3
07/05/15 Hold to His Hand - Psalm 90 Paul Bailey Sermon Burning Questions from Psalms Sun AM Worship Hold_to_His_Hand_-_Psalm_90.pptx Hold_to_His_Hand_-_Psalm_90.pdf Hold_To_His_Hand_-_Psalm_90.MP3

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